
TGI Cocktails

Day Trips to London

Fluffy Slipper Boots

Kansas - Carry on Wayward Son / Dust in the Wind

Jaunts with Roxanne

Lingerie that makes you feel good



Takeaway & Wine on a Friday night

Alice in Wonderland

Sparkly Skull Rings

CSI : Trilogy

Download with Hotel luxury

Davina Work Out

Good long chats

Dublin Long Weekend

Seeing friends I havn't seen in years


Love Magazine

Channing Tatum in GI:Joe
Before I Die... 
Cross Jewellery


The sun showing its face finally


Whip It

Nutella Pancakes

Books, books and more books

My little pink diary keeping me organised

Pink...pink nails, pink hair



PomPoko's Tofu Chilli Don

Learning to see the bigger picture

Wayne back in less than 2weeks

Sitting at a window and watcing the rain

Non pervy comliments from strangers

Modern Day Escape
Find Chaffy 
Messy curled hair

Hilarity of trying to keep an umbrella open on the seafront in torrential rain

Juliette Lewis (acting)

Mid-afternoon Naps

Cookie Candle

Making Plans